Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mashed Potatoes

I've never really had a go-to mashed potato recipe, unless you call a box a "recipe." I was so sick and tired of taking the time to make instant mashed potatoes (that by the way are disgusting anyways), when I could have made them fresh in the same amount of time. My motivation to find the perfect recipe was jump-started by my mother bringing over bags of potatoes. What else could I do but make mashed potatoes and potato salad (recipe to come soon-ish.. hey, I'm being honest). These are so quick and the only time-consuming part is chopping the potatoes, but what else are you going to do while the water starts to boil?!

Mashed Potatoes
Adapted from: Kelly's Kitch original
Yields: 4-6 servings

6-8 medium-large russet potatoes, peeled and diced
1/4 cup shredded cheese, cheddar
2 Tbsp sour cream
2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup milk
4-6 Tbsp butter, depending on taste, at room temperature

Bring a large pot of water (1/3 of the way full) to a boil and add potato dices. Boil on medium-high until softened and a fork can easily pierce the potato all the way through. When potatoes are done cooking, drain in a strainer and return to the pot. Add cheese, sour cream, and garlic powder. Beat with hand beaters on low speed until cheese is melted and potatoes are the right consistency.

While beating, slowly add the milk a little at a time until potatoes are at the consistency of your preference. Do NOT over-beat the potatoes to get every single chunk out because they will become too starchy. Add the butter one tablespoon at a time with the beater and taste after each addition. Add more or less depending on your taste. Serve immediately.

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